New Toy

...a boy's gotta have toys...

I got this a little while back, but got it properly upgraded over the weekend. Mainly I switched the drop-down handlebars with bullhorns, and default pedals w/ Eggbeaters.

Slinky and sexy in black.
This is a single-speed fixie, basically what they ride at the velodromes. A proper track bike, though, has somewhat different frame geometry and gear proportions. This is 'street legal', so to say.

Yesterday, as I installed the computer on board, I couldn't resist taking it for a ride. Somewhat surprisingly, it didn't bug me knee at all. I did ride very slowly and carefully, and on flat LIC streets. Besides (Mum), I did put in a hand-brake ;) [for now, at least]
One could ask why bother with something that is basically a throw-back to a century ago, and something that seems quite unsafe... Well, it's kinda like buying a car. You can get yourself a nice, basic modern Toyota with good mileage and nice features. It'll get you to the mall and country just fine. But every now 'n then you wanna drive something fast, fun & flimsy down those windy countryside roads (or Manhattan canyons)!

Keep it kool and get on your bikes ;)



Office Space*

Our office moved last week from Chelsea to sort of south-west SoHo. My commute changed somewhat, but fortunately I can catch the blue E from my stop to Spring St, which is 2 short blocks from the office. When I can get back on my bike, I reckon the Hudson River Park will be a convenient route. Both subway & bike will take about 40min or so. That part of SoHo is a little dead, but things start to pick up within about 2 short city blocks, especially to the east into SoHo proper. I'm yet to explore much, though, due to me bum leg.

The building is an old storage or light industrial bldg? Anyway, it's owned by Trinity Church, which is a big property owner Downtown. We were told that as per lease, no 'immoral activities' will be permitted on premises. No kidding! ;D

The office itself is a nice raw space, with southern and western exposure. Hudson River can be glimpsed at the end of Spring St. We're on 6th floor, which gives me at least some exercise for now...

Somewhere in SoHo proper.

'till next time.


* One of the best late-90s movies, imho. A great, low-key glance at the post-modern, info-age aimless drone-life of late 20th C man. Suggested pairing for a 1-2 punch movie night: Fight Club >;)


Aw crap, fucked up me knee pretty good!
There are large tears in the menisci, and a complete ACL tear. What this means is that without surgery, I could never play ultimate, or ski, because the knee just wouldn't be stable. And since that sounds dull, and I have good insurance, what the hell, let's have Reconstructive Surgery! It involves a 'pre-owned' ACL (allograft) from some donor. The doctor even assured me that it wouldn't be chopped off of some unlucky stiff at the local morgue! For those who want to see what a "ACL reconstruction with allograft" looks like, clicky here; (go to 'Knee' and then 'Torn ACL' and then 'Allograft').
Whee, looks like fun! But then again, with a few months of physiotherapy etc, I should be able to hit the slopes again next winter ;) Meanwhile, you all go out and play a good game & ski a good run, for me!

More later...
