'The action takes entirely place in a sauna'

My first Broadway show, and I have to say it was hilarious! As zany as any Python. Above is the fake production credits found in the Program :) The show started with a 'finnish fish-slapping dance'...
U2 put up a good show in Madison Square Garden a few days later.

Erik and Ville "V-dawg" were visiting at the time. As ultimate players, we spent an afternoon in the Dustbowl. The unofficial 'team Pol-li' did pretty well, playing against some of Dustbowl all-stars (old-skool) and against the Stuy High team (nu-skool). Cocktails were enjoyed later that evening in honor of their visit and my b-day... Now I'm mostly recovered from the flux of recent visitors, and my reserves of Turkinpippuri and ruisleipa are steadily dwindling down :)

NYC weather took a turn to much wetter and chillier. Places have been flooding, but fortunately we haven't been hit by the Wilmas or Alphas... Keep warm & dry, y'all!



Cousin Tiina and Ebu arrived on the same day, so I've been busy :) We had very good and cheap chinese soup in my new favourite soup joint, tried some ciders & ports in LIC and Grand Central... Tiina managed to get into Conan O'Brian and had a great time. Ebu managed to do some necessary shopping (shoes & shirts and such). Then we all departed on the same day, E & I to West Coast, T back to Finland...
In Seattle we attended our 'cousin' Johnny Bravo's wedding, which went quite fine (i.e. no-one run off or jumped down from the Space Needle)! We did some sailing from Port Townsend to Bainbridge, right to Dad's dock under the condo by the bay! The dungeness crabs we caught (okay, bought $5 each) were so damn good.
And one last thing, y'all must go see Serenity the movie! It is shiny :) And Wallace & Gromit, too...
