'The action takes entirely place in a sauna'

My first Broadway show, and I have to say it was hilarious! As zany as any Python. Above is the fake production credits found in the Program :) The show started with a 'finnish fish-slapping dance'...
U2 put up a good show in Madison Square Garden a few days later.
Erik and Ville "V-dawg" were visiting at the time. As ultimate players, we spent an afternoon in the Dustbowl. The unofficial 'team Pol-li' did pretty well, playing against some of Dustbowl all-stars (old-skool) and against the Stuy High team (nu-skool). Cocktails were enjoyed later that evening in honor of their visit and my b-day... Now I'm mostly recovered from the flux of recent visitors, and my reserves of Turkinpippuri and ruisleipa are steadily dwindling down :)
NYC weather took a turn to much wetter and chillier. Places have been flooding, but fortunately we haven't been hit by the Wilmas or Alphas... Keep warm & dry, y'all!
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